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Quiz: Can We Guess Your Age In Just 5 Questions?


Do you think it is possible that someone could devise a quiz so well designed, that it could accurately predict your age to within five years? The questions would have to be brought out of the infinite void through the deepest tunnels of the collective consciousness, drawn tendril by tendril and woven into a tapestry so profound and acute that even a ghost wouldn’t be able to slip through. This web of distilled questions would likely be worth countless moneys, but today you have the chance to experience the magic for yourself, free of charge!

All you have to do is answer five questions. They are not hard questions, but that is part of what makes them so magnificent. Even Shakespeare, in the height of his glory and the center of all the kingdoms of the great lands and peoples, swindling each other for a loaf of bread. As you can see, the questions need not be difficult to be highly accurate. Find solace in the fact that soon, you might know for certain if such an accurate quiz could possibly exist.

Since the dawn of time, you have spent your life scouring the deepest recesses and the darkest corners of the interwebsterz, riding waves of human attention as they search for a cure for their boredom. You, as well as they, live undiminished in this blessed kingdom of unbridled human creativity and collaboration. What might we do next, as we connect with each other and build together, solving the problems of tomorrow before they ever come. Let’s make the world a better place, one quiz at a time. Go get em, tiger.

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