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Guy Makes Huge Mistake After Meeting Up With Transexual Prostitute

This is one fantasy that got taken real far, real fast! Now this dude is getting sitting there with a destroyed bunghole. It all starts with this guy just watching netflix and chilling. He got bored so switched over to some bi curious porn. After finally finding the perfect video to handle his business he had the bright idea ‘why don’t I just find a tgirl and bang her’?

He finds his girl and you can’t even tell she is packing. He had no money so tried working a deal for free (I know free sex?? crazy) and after exchanging some pics she said “We can work something out hun cum by ;)”. Here is where his mistake takes place:

I think I’m in I’m gonna get my nut for free so I grab a rubber and a few spliffs and head to the hotel I smoke 2 spliffs before I go to her door, she opens the door and I suddenly feel bad for being broke she is easily a solid 10/10. After chatting, I strip she squats down on the bed and I get busy, she had an S class booty I finish up after about an hour she looks content that I was done.

I start pulling on my clothes quickly (post sex regret in 3..2…1..), she got up turned around and starts being playful grabbing my waist grinding on me sucking my lips and nibbling (definitely a 10/10) I go with it for a bit getting ready to go and suddenly she says” I didn’t finish can you get me off?” I tell her sure like a high ass and I ask her what she wants next thing I know I’m naked again and we are making out, something bumps my leg and there it is the monster itself 10in of solid black demon.

My stomach twisted my clothes were to far I had my phone and my wallet and keys I couldn’t just run away naked could I? I decide to stick it out hell why not I have done weird ass play with an ex before it’s all good I’ll tell her go easy all good. (Boy I messed up :( ) no warning no heave ho, no here we go, balls deep, all the way and she goes to town pretty.

Suddenly she speeds up saying she is going to cum I tell her do it. She grabs my waist and with a final thrust…  She pulled the rubber out before she finished…

Now I’m at an std clinic with a loose bunghole scared shitless… Lesson learned never get to far into fantasy.

Update: Good News!! He is clean, the Doc gave him a stern talking to just like it was sex ed again….

H/T Reddit

The post Guy Makes Huge Mistake After Meeting Up With Transexual Prostitute appeared first on DudeComedy.
