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Quiz: What Are Your 5 Dominant Traits?


If you were to choose five things about yourself that stand out more than the rest, what would they be? Are they all positive attributes, or are you dominated by negative traits? Depending on how you look at it, your strengths may also be seen as weaknesses and your downfalls can sometimes lead to good things. No matter what qualities prevail in your personality, it is knowing how to use them that decides the success of your endeavors.

Your character is composed of behavior patterns based on how you think and feel. This varies from individual to individual and causes consequences in daily life. There are many different tests created for measuring personality, though the study is said to be started by Hippocrates with his theory of the four humors. His work was widely accepted and evolved into the four temperaments which are sanguine, or optimistic, choleric, also known as bad tempered, melancholic, quiet and analytical, and phlegmatic, describing the relaxed and peaceful.

Psychologists now begin their studies earlier in life and compare the temperaments of children to habits of adults. They have also conducted life long studies to see how behaviors change over time. It has been found that a person’s personality does not become stable until the age of thirty. Other observations show that highly social kids are equivalently extroverted as adults, and that this out nature is correlated with greater levels of satisfaction in life. Take the quiz to find out what your dominant traits are!

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