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Quiz: What Emotion Are You Guided By?


Part of being human is to be subject to the whim of emotion. Sometimes predictable, sometimes not, the feelings bubble up inside in response to happenings of our lives. The severity and speed of the sentimental ascent determines our control over the event. If there is a slow stirring of anger, sadness, or joy, we recognize the beginnings and choose to allow the escalation or not. If, however, the sensation come on strong and quick, it takes hold before we can stop it.

It is important to acknowledge when an emotion is appropriate and when it is not. If the situation does not warrant an arising reaction, one must observe the feeling and follow it to its root cause to clear the energy from within themselves. It is possible to pause the sensation, by bringing awareness to it, and revisit it later if the timing is not convenient. Analyzing it after the fact is imperative in order to not bury it, which would let it fester and result in an explosion at an unexpected moment. If the emotion is deemed appropriate for the time and place, expressing it naturally and sincerely will allow it to dissipate, but, depending on the way it is released, there may be ripples and repercussions of subsequent feels.

People who are viewed to be passionate often allow their internal churning to guide them through their lives. Each sensation leads to an open admittance and ensuing action. There are pros and cons to this method due to the immediate release but frequent lack of foresight. Often, there is one emotion in particular that each person will behave strongly to. It may be easy for some to keep sadness at bay, where as anger causes prompt attention. What emotion are you governed by? Take the quiz to find out and share with your friends!

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