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Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: 'What I Said Was Appropriate'

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wasn't backing down Sunday morning following his controversial 'blood' comment regarding Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, which infuriated political pundits and social media critics over the weekend.
On NBC's "Meet the Press," Trump told host Chuck Todd that he "doesn't mind apologizing" when he is wrong — but he insists that he's not wrong.
Trump claimed his controversial statement criticizing Kelly's questioning during Thursday's Fox News primary debate was justified.
Image: Donald Trump participates in the first Republican presidential primary debate
Donald Trump participates in the first Republican presidential primary debate on August 6, 2015 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio. MANDEL NGAN / AFP - Getty Images
"There's nothing to apologize (for)," said Trump. "I thought she asked a very, very unfair question. So did everyone on social media and I answered the question very well."
"All I said is there is blood pouring out of her eyes and there was blood. And then I said you know what, I'm going to get on to the next sentence because frankly I don't have to talk about the blood coming out of her ears and her nose. It's a very common statement ," Trump said.
The Kelly exchange has reignited a common problem Trump has faced while in public life: Unfairly criticizing women.
Just two examples: In 2012, the billionaire called Bette Midler "grotesque" and "gross" after she called him stupid in a tweet. And in 2011, when New York Times columnist Gail Collins wrote an article about him, Trump sent it back with "the face of a dog" written all over it, referring to a picture of her.
"When I'm attacked, I fight back. When I was attacked viciously by those women, of course, it's very hard for them to attack me on looks, because I'm so good looking," Trump said on Sunday morning.
Trump said that he soon hopes he can focus on debating real issues, and chalked the controversy up to "political correctness."
"This political correctness is just absolutely killing us as a country," he said. "You can't say anything. Anything you say today, they will find a reason why it's not good. I think we have to get back to work as a country."
Image: Megyn Kelly v.s. Donald Trump
Trump has raged in interviews and on Twitter that Fox's debate questions to him - particularly from moderator Megyn Kelly - were targeted, unfair and "nasty." Aaron Joseczyk/Reuters; Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images