أخبار ساخنة

Ferguson protesters use roasted pig in demonstration just before the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death

Ferguson protesters are using a roasted pig’s head during a demonstration marking the eve of the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s shooting death.
After a peaceful march during the day, hundreds of protesters converged outside the police department after 10 p.m. They carved and ate from the pig’s head, which was placed on a concrete barrier near the building.
Protesters ate from the pig's head outside the Ferguson Police Department and someone had written the name of the officer who killed Michael Brown on the side of the animal earlier in the night.RICK WILKING/REUTERS

Protesters ate from the pig's head outside the Ferguson Police Department and someone had written the name of the officer who killed Michael Brown on the side of the animal earlier in the night.

Earlier in the day, someone had scrawled the name “Darren Wilson” on the side of the animal.
Ferguson police Sgt. Dominica Fuller (L) talks with protesters outside the police department with a pig's head from a pig roast placed on a wall separating them on Saturday night.RICK WILKING/REUTERS

Ferguson police Sgt. Dominica Fuller (L) talks with protesters outside the police department with a pig's head from a pig roast placed on a wall separating them on Saturday night.

Wilson wasn’t charged in the Aug. 9, 2014, shooting of the black 18-year-old, whose death galvanized the “Black Lives Matter” movement and months of protests in the St. Louis suburb and beyond.
About a dozen officers stood watch outside while many others were stationed inside police department.