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Quiz: The Definitive Religion And Spirituality Test


Have you ever wondered where you stand on the spiritual spectrum in terms of your religious views and what you hold most sacred? Take this quiz to find out what system of thought your spiritual beliefs and views match the closest with. The quiz here is not about guessing or pegging what religion you may actually practice. Instead, it’s about examining how strongly you believe in or agree with certain concepts, aspects, and viewpoints which are commonly found across the religious and spiritual debates. What your choices reflect will appoint you to one of the following outlook on life systems:

Pantheism – you have a deep respect for the earth and feel most spiritual when immersed in nature, whether it be hiking, swimming or exploring the outdoors. You often feel in tune with the planet, are very spiritual, and think everything is a manifestation of the Divine, especially earth itself.

Humanism – you either have ruled out the existence of God or don’t care because you see religion as a waste of time and it’s a distraction from real human issues. Even so, you may still be spiritual, just focused on what you can presently see and feel. You’re logical, scientific, and believe that the universe is best explained along those lines rather than by some invisible sky god.

Agnosticism – you’re very open minded about the concept of god, but trust science and are a logical, rational, intellectual thinker. You’re deeply skeptical of religious beliefs, yet aren’t ready to rule out the possibility that God exists or somehow affects our lives. For now you choose to weigh the possibility of God’s existence, but only with further proof or convincing will you make a decision.

Polytheism – you believe the Divine takes many different forms; angels, spirits, gods, and deities. You respect ancient religious traditions and greatly appreciate mythology. Even if you don’t truly believe in multiple gods, you are attracted to new age spirituality, astrology, and ancient wisdom.

Dualism – you believe there’s a cosmic spiritual battle going on between good and evil. You view God as thee force of goodness, while opposing evils bring chaos and suffering to the world. The responsibility to choose good over evil, and to be a positive force in the world, falls upon you.

Theism – you believe in an omnipotent, personal, and eternal God who is somehow involved in your life. You often think about what God would want from you and rely on your faith in hard times. You believe everything is part of a bigger plan and pray often. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all examples of theistic religions.

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