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Quiz: How Many Kids Should You Actually Have?


Some people know from a very young age that they definitely do, or do not, want to have children in their life. They may even be certain about the number of kids they want and hope for specific genders as well. Reproduction, however, is not always that simple. Just like anything in life, it doesn’t always work out how you may have planned it. It might take its own course before you were able to plan at all. You might find yourself unable to conceive, without a suitable partner, or single with an infant and blindsided.

Modern day society provides ample options for maintaining control of procreation, but still there are loop holes that allow for some surprising offspring. If you know you are not ready to be a parent, contraception comes in many forms. Physical barriers like condoms, diaphragms, and the ol’ pull and pray, to hormonal regulation through pills, rings, shots, patches, intrauterine devices, and post-conception possibilities like the morning after pill, abortion, and adoption, in combination with in vitro fertilization provide seemingly adequate assistance for choosing to have a baby, or not.

What happens when your birth control method fails and you are morally opposed to killing an embryo inside of you? Maybe you tried to take Plan B, but your pregnancy persisted, and you can’t fathom growing a human being for nine months, then giving it away. This is when you accept your fate as a breeder, and choose to indulge in the love and hard work that is before you. Often the presence of one little bundle inspires a desire for more, but the success of your relationship becomes the deciding factor in increasing the size of your family. Your partner doesn’t want the responsibility of more children, or you can’t get pregnant and can’t pay for IVF. Life throws us curve balls.

How many kids should you actually have?

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