أخبار ساخنة

Quiz: What Season Is Your Personality?


Oh, the seasons are so lovely. For those of you who are less fortunate, and do not have the experience of the quarterly changing, let me assure you that it is something special. The seasons are a way of staying in tune with mother nature’s rhythm, and, for this reason, keep a person at ease through the transitions of life. When the feeling of restlessness starts to arise, the time of year shifts, and brings with it different scenery and routines.

The changes are not drastic enough, luckily, to make one feel unsettled or at a lack of security. In fact, when the you are at the brink of one season ending and another beginning, it provides an opportunity for grounding yourself with the innate patterns of the earth. Sure, winter can be long, harsh, and hence, challenging, but it is also a welcomed time for hibernation and renewal. Once you are good and sick of the cold, you experience the gift of the returning sun and with it, new life and vibrancy, which you would otherwise not know without the endurance of the dark months.

Summer is the embodiment of joy and playfulness, inspiring freedom and social satisfaction. The heat wanes with distinct Autumn-like breezes, cool nights, and a reminder that rest is on the way. With each season, we are provided with different sensory stimuli. Colors change, flavors come and go, contrasting sounds of life and silence all allow for obvious recognition of the offerings of the world around us. Personalities have the tendency to thrive more during Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all benefit from the bounty of each part of the year.

What season are you? let us know in the comments below

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