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Quiz: Which Age Will You Get Married?


There are many reasons why people all over the world decide to get hitched. The choice to marry can be for legal convenience, financial support, emotional attachment, social encouragement, and spiritual or religious incentive. The motivation to wed is easily misunderstood or not even considered because it is a widely accepted normal process in life. It is interesting how the perspective on marriage has evolved over time.

The decrease in abidance of religious pressure to wait until marriage for sex, likely, has a lot to do with the decline of tying of the knot. Cohabitation of couples without nuptials has caused the formal agreement to seem superfluous and outdated. Not only that, but the increase in the experience of divorce, whether one’s own or of someone close to them, has further deterred many from making the long term commitment.

Marriage remains to be one of the few things that are culturally universal. Other basic similarities between civilizations include birth, death, language, and the different sexes. Together, these correlations are what construct the human condition. Liberation from ourselves can not be found by binding to another, and though it seems as though the journey is less comfortable alone, in the end who is it who guides you through but your self? That being said, the essence of our existence can not be changed by any occurrence of this life, and whether we are joined in matrimony or not, we possess the capability to see ourselves as we truly are.

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