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Quiz: Which Body Part Do You Actually Think With?


People often assume that they think with their brains. After all, thoughts are in your head, right? But this is not always the case. Many people actually think with other parts of their body, such as their eyes, stomach, or heart. For example, someone who is guided by their emotions and acts spontaneous likely thinks more with their heart than with their brain. Those who are observant, keenly alert, and who identify as a creative type can be said to think with their eyes. And of course, there are those who think with their brains. They tend to be quite rational, analytical, deeply intellectual, and often make calculated and well-thought out decisions. Which body part do you think that you actually think with the most?

To explore this question more, you have to look at a variety of factors. Start with the basics, such as which one of the five senses do you use the most; smell, taste, touch, sight, or hearing. The sense which you usually rely on, when it comes to navigating through everyday life, can point you towards what body part you really think with. The activities you use for stress coping mechanisms can also reveal a lot about how you think. Do you eat when upset, go for a walk, take a bath, listen to music, watch TV, or do something else? Many of us instinctively turn to things that we find comforting, in order to take our minds off of our problems. We often do this subconsciously and naturally throw ourselves into something else that eats up our energy and thoughts. The same thing goes for what activities you like to engage in on the weekends or when you have free time. They speak to your inner needs and desires and relate back to which body part you actually think with.

Take this quiz to find out what your choices, preferences, habits, and more, reveal about which body part you likely think with the most. Is it your eyes, brain, stomach, heart ~ find out now and see if it fits with what you thought. As always, have fun and enjoy!

Which body part do you think with? let us know in the comments below

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