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Quiz: Which Fairy Tale Was Actually Written About You?


Fairy tales are classic stories that usually contain some sort of magic. They often take place in a time long ago and in lands far away. The characters in them are usually symbolic and fantastical. Human subjects are often viewed as either good or evil and the former usually are heroes and heroines. Not all of them have happy endings, even though many do and people tend to associate a ‘fairy tale ending’ with happily ever after.

Have you ever wondered which fairy tale you could fit in the best with? Maybe the story of Cinderella just so happens to speak to your soul and you can relate to different aspects of it. Or perhaps your all time favorite tale is Little Red Riding Hood and you’re almost positive that your life is a modern day version of it. Whether it’s the life lessons they teach us, the character’s attributes, or general story lines, we can all relate to fairy tales on some sort of level.

What fairy tale could have been written about you? Maybe you have a particular story in mind or a general preference as to which character could fit the bill. There is only one way to find out and if you are curious to know what it could be, take this quiz and see which fairy tale you hypothetically could have been the inspiration for!

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