أخبار ساخنة

This Is What It’s Like To Swim In The Dead Sea!

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There is a perfectly rational reason for why the Dead Sea is also called the Salt Sea and the Sea of Death. It has unusually high salinity levels, with an average salt content of around 32-35%, which prevents most life forms from flourishing. In fact, it makes life near impossible and only tiny amounts of specialized bacteria and microbial fungi can eek out a living in it’s harsh, salty depths.

All that salt concentrated in one huge, landlocked lake makes for some interesting and unique phenomenons. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that its waters are 9.6 times as salty as the ocean, which in turn makes it 30 times more buoyant than normal, standard ocean water is. This is why anyone can enter into the Dead Sea’s water, turn on their back, and remain afloat without any supplemental paddling, kicking, or effort whatsoever. It has been said that it’s nearly impossible to sink in the water and therefore it would take a lot of work and exertion to drown.

To see just how neat and awesome this translates over into reality, check out this video. A woman demonstrates the magically buoyant properties of the salty water and as the camera pans around you also get a chance to see the land and terrain that surrounds the lake. Since it’s a major destination on the lists of tourists and sightseers, there are often many people at the water’s edge taking dips and testing it out. They would be wise to keep their heads above the surface since the extremely high salt content can burn and severely irritate your eyes, nostrils, mouth, and the delicate skin on your face.

If you ever find yourself in Israel or Jordan you should visit the Dead Sea and experience it’s natural beauty and wonder. It may also provide you with many health benefits since the mineral content is high, the pollen levels are low, the sun’s harmful effects and radiation is diminished, and the atmospheric pressure is greater. Such aspects have been praised by health researchers as having positive, healing effects on certain diseases and some of their side effects. Dead Sea mud has long been valued for it’s beauty uses in mud masques, and it provides temporary pain relief for some arthritis sufferers. With all these benefits, and nothing bad or dangerous about it, who wouldn’t want to take a dip in the Dead Sea?!

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