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VIDEO: Parents Noticed Something Strange Coming Out Of Their Baby Girl’s Neck. What Came Out? OMG!


There are some very strange things happening in the world. Many of them cannot be explained to a comfortable degree, and leave us with a deepened sense of mystery about life, the universe, and our place in its vast expanse. Sometimes, we come across something so strange that we are stopped in our tracks, unable to look closer, yet unwilling to pull away. What you find as you look closer is even stranger than you imagined it might be, and you are left in shock.

Mya’s is one of those stories. One day, her parents noticed a swelling on her cheek and neck area. They assumed it was a swollen gland but took her to the doctor just to be safe. The doctor assumed her body would take care of a routine infection, and sent her home. When it still didn’t go away, they brought her in again. This time, they noticed something sticking out. It looked like a pimple at first, but with time it kept on growing.

How shocked would you be if a feather suddenly grew out of your neck? That is exactly what happened to be growing out of Mya’s neck. How in the world did she grow a feather? Are the GMOs causing genetic mutations and turning us into birds, or did she get bitten by a radioactive robin or something? We may never know, although if you watch the video you will find some respite in their reasonable explanation.

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