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Grandparents That Babysit Their Grandchildren Are Less Likely To Develop Alzheimer’s and Dementia

الصفحة الرئيسية

Most people are delighted when the day comes when their own children have children.  Becoming a grandparent adds a richness to family life that is delightful and filled with love.  It’s a lot easier being a grandparent than a parent, because you get to enjoy the deliciousness of the kids and then they go home!!
That was sort of a joke, but scientifically speaking it has been proven to be true.  In the video you are about to watch below, you will hear about the benefits of grandparent involvement in childcare.  Not being the sole caretaker, but helping parents out by babysitting the grandchildren one or two days a week, has proven to have more benefits than expected.
The North American Menopause Society did a longitudinal study of 120 grandparents in Australia.  They found that those who babysat once weekly, scored significantly higher on a whole range of cognitive tests, than those who didn’t babysit.  Additionally it was found that those who babysat more than that had poorer scores on the cognitive tests.
It was concluded that babysitting grandchildren one day a week resulted in a significantly reduced chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  This is a fascinating finding, that if reflected upon, makes sense.  The contact, love and stimulation of being in charge once a week offered the perfect amount of neurological stimulation for aging parents, whereas the stress of doing it daily impaired neurological stability.  Just the right amount of purpose and feeling needed and connected, helps to ward off brain deterioration.  Other research corroborates the finding that life satisfaction through giving and receiving love, is key to healthy aging.  Having an extended family be part of the very fiber of living, offers everyone in the family system, support, love and respect.
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