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If You See A Crocheted Scarf Wrapped Around A Light Pole Or A Tree, THIS Is What It Means..

الصفحة الرئيسية


Winter is upon us, and we who are lucky enough to have a roof over our heads, and warm clothes and safety are the fortunate ones.  There are hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the United States, as well as many who have trouble making ends meet to feed their kids.  Often, even the working poor have to forego things such as a warm coat or scarf for themselves, so that their children are cared for.

In this season of giving, the story you are about to watch in the video below, is a great reminder of how important it is for all of us to do whatever we can to help the less fortunate.  Even the smallest acts of kindness can make a difference in someone’s day.

At the young age of 30, Elizabeth Sammons needed a heart transplant in order to survive.  Because she was lucky enough to receive a heart that gave her a chance to live a healthy and productive life, she was filled with gratitude.  Her perspective after facing the possibility of death, made her appreciate all that she had, and propelled her into wanting to give back.

She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota which is frigid in the winter, so Elizabeth spent her time recuperating crocheting over 1,000 winter scarves for those in need.

She had volunteers, from her community, who came to help her disperse the scarves in a most unique and anonymous way.  They wrapped each scarf around tree trunks  in public parks and light poles in the area with a note attached to each which said,  “I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold please take this to keep warm!”

This is a such a heartwarming story, made more poignant by the fact that Elizabeth was selfless enough to take the time to do something so wonderful, despite the fact that she was still faced with looming medical bills.  It would be so wonderful if this story could be shared so that people across our nation would perform similar acts of kindness, for those in need.

Please Share This Heartwarming Story With Family and Friends :)

The post If You See A Crocheted Scarf Wrapped Around A Light Pole Or A Tree, THIS Is What It Means.. appeared first on Sun Gazing.
