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QUIZ: Do You Have The Intelligence Of A Scientist Or An Artist?

الصفحة الرئيسية


You are about to take a quiz below, in which you will be given nine questions to respond to. They vary greatly, in terms of what type of intelligence they tap into.  Some questions you either will have learned through literary experience, some from scientific knowledge, others deal with visual perception etc.

This particular test will come up with an assessment of whether your responses are more indicative of an ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE or more of a SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE.  Artistic intelligence usually involves empathetic or emotional perception that leads to creative production; whereas with a more scientific intelligence your analytical bent leads to a strong inclination to seek what is true and reality based.

Which do you think you are?; do you tend to be idealistic, perceived as calm yet have hidden passions and a way with words?  Or are you more of a critical and rational thinker who has a thirst to find out why things are the way they are?  Take the quiz and let us know if the results match how you and others perceive your intelligence.

Do you have the intelligence of an artist or a scientist? let us know in the comments below

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