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QUIZ: This Inkblot Test Will Determine If You Are A Narcissist, Psychopath, Both Or Neither

الصفحة الرئيسية


This is an inkblot quiz that presents you with different images and multiple choice responses to choose from. It doesn’t force you into any of the answers, because it always offers the choice “something else entirely”. It purports to analyze your answers to determine if you are a: Narcissist, Psychopath, Both, Neither or have certain tendencies.

When you react to these images, try not to think too much; go with your “gut-level” response in order to get a more accurate analysis of your tendencies. There are no right answers, only what you feel when looking at the blots. Whether you respond to something as tough or playful, blood or a fish, sex or melancholy or rigid or safe doesn’t necessarily, on the surface, indicate anything about you.

Do you think you are: A COMPLETELY BALANCED PERSON who is neither a narcissist or psychopath?; grounded, mature and empathetic but could possibly spice things up a little? Or are you a PSYCHOPATH, possessing a bizarre degree of creativity and lack of empathy?; if so can you channel this productively rather than going out and kidnapping someone?!! Or perhaps you are a true NARCISSIST, so self-absorbed that you are missing out on what it feels like to give to others? Perhaps you are none of these extremes but possess some parts of each personality type. Take the quiz and find out; let us know if you think the analysis is accurate.

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