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QUIZ: What were you in a past life?

الصفحة الرئيسية


Reincarnation is the belief that after death a living being’s spirit or soul begins life anew, in a completely new body having all new experiences. This rebirth is not limited to humans only and all living things, from bugs to fish to reptiles and animals, are reborn in a brand new form. It’s the soul which changes bodies and evolves from lower forms of life up to higher forms, until it eventually reaches the human form.

Because the universe is in a constant cycle of death and rebirth, it follows that people have lived many past lives, having held innumerable identities throughout them all. That’s how it’s basically understood and there are religions, philosophies, and different groups of people who believe in variations of reincarnation that go beyond this common understanding.

Some people claim they know, or can feel or sense, their past life identities in their present lives. They say they have memories of events, people, and places associated with who or what they used to be. If you want to find out what type of animal or person you were in your past life, take this quick quiz, and open your mind up to all the possibilities of what you could have experienced and done!

What were you in your past life. Let us know in the comments below

Please Share This Quiz With Family and Friends To See What They Were In A Past Life! :)

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