Personality quizzes are always intriguing. Some questions that are asked are more transparent than others, in seeing how the answer might lead to a particular conclusion. Some tests are certainly more accurate than others; I was amazed at the accuracy of the one you are about to take below.
You will be shown a variety of doors, and you will be asked to choose one to open. Try to “go with your gut” when you respond, so that your choice will be most revealing. I will admit that I was equally drawn to two of the doors, so I went back to open the other.
Your choice may reveal that you have a pretty wild imagination and that you tend to daydream about your future; you tend toward nostalgia and family orientation. Or perhaps you will choose a door that reveals your old-fashioned soul, being traditional and wise. You might open a door that reveals your charm, intelligence and insight.
Enjoy the quiz and let us know if the explanation of your choice resonates with how you and those close to you perceive your character.
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