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The Real Life Scooby Doo Is Scared Of The Most Ridiculous Things!

الصفحة الرئيسية


People and animals face their fears in many different ways. One of the most common pieces of advice that you often hear involves going head first and staring whatever it is that you’re afraid of in the face. It follows that if you have a fear of heights, you should go to somewhere high enough to make you uncomfortable, and then look down. If you’re afraid of swimming in the ocean, go to the beach and jump in the water. While this is good advice, it often doesn’t work for everyone.

Instead, many turn to alternative ways in which they can try to stand up to their deeply held fears. The options to choose from vary from meditation and hypnosis to therapy or some other less mainstream things. However, when someone happens to be scared of practically everything that they come across, they may need a much more radical approach.

Such is the case of Presley, a Great Dane who lives in England with his owner Sian Barrett. The massive dog measures more than 6 feet tall when he’s standing and weighs well over 180 pounds. Despite his giant size he’s easily scared by almost everything, whether it be plastic bags or other much smaller dogs. Presley has since earned himself the nickname “Scooby Doo” after the cartoon character because he is so quick to fright! To help him deal with his issue Sian gave him a cushion that he now carries around everywhere in his mouth. It has helped to make him feel more secure and comfortable, but he’s still a big scaredy dog at heart.

In this video you can see how Presley reacts to something as simple as a door opening and closing. He really doesn’t trust what may or may not be on the other side and that freaks him out. He approaches the door very slowly with his tail tucked between his back legs and timidly watches it before he lets out a few barks. The poor baby is so stressed out by it all and when a stuffed animal suddenly appears from around the corner Presley reacts in the most adorable way possible. Check him out and see just how sweet and big the adorable Great Dane is!

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