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Nobody Believed Them When They Described Their Baby’s New Nightly Ritual. So They Caught THIS :)

الصفحة الرئيسية


Image via: Youtube

People who have had the incredible experience of having children, know how magical it is when the baby reaches milestones.  There is the first time the baby holds his head up; the first time she rolls over; then sitting up, crawling, first word and the spectacular moment of the first step!

Nowadays there is no need to pull out a video camera; wherever you are most people have cell phones allowing them to film so many more “Firsts” than ever before.  One not so common “first” is captured in the adorable video you are about to watch below. Baby’s first dance move was caught for posterity for all of us to enjoy.  15-month-old Isaac’s “salsa” dancing was shared on YouTube by his enthralled parents.  Isaac’s excitement, upon hearing this rhythmic music, starts him clapping to the fast beat.

His daddy cheers, “Go dance, baby.  Dance!”  The little guy seems to intuitively know what to do, as his movement shifts to his feet as well as his hands.  He is overcome with excitement at this new thing called dancing.  You can see the joy in his face, as he keeps moving to the beat. Then he really starts getting carried away…shaking his butt, hopping and as he lifts his arms in the air he goes for the spin!  Simply adorable!  I hope you enjoy this darling baby’s first dance as much as I did.

Please SHARE This Adorable Video With Family and Friends :)


The post Nobody Believed Them When They Described Their Baby’s New Nightly Ritual. So They Caught THIS :) appeared first on Sun Gazing.
