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What is your true Moon Sign according to the Zodiac?

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Astrology seeks to link events and occurrences on planet Earth to celestial and astronomical observations. Societies around the world developed deeply complex sets of beliefs based on the observable movements of the sun, moon, and stars across the sky. Ancient cultures and religions began to shape astrology when they looked up to the cosmic heavens in order to help explain what was happening in life and all around them in nature.

There are twelve astrologically based zodiac signs and every person alive has and falls under one of them, depending on the day and month they were born. Each of them form a part of the astrological calendar and they all interconnect in a multitude of fascinating ways. Every sign stands for different things, from the four elements of life – water, air, fire, and water – to positive and negative connotations.

Above all of the other related aspects associated with the zodiac, people are most familiar with the sun signs which represent the more active and conscious parts of our personas. However, there also exists the lesser known moon signs, which we all fall under as well. Our moon signs are what represent our personal dispositions and the innermost intentions that we each hold. These inclinations often lie dormant or remain hidden deep down in our unconscious. By knowing your moon sign you can better explore and uncover these repressed instincts, and thus build on them in a positive light. Figuring out your moon sign is easy, simply work through this quiz to see which one you fall under, and then find out more about what it says about your unconscious persona. Enjoy!

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