أخبار ساخنة

Baby Steals Mama’s Phone and Starts Running. Then She Notices The Camera Secretly Recorded It All.

الصفحة الرئيسية

When you’re at home and you leave your cell phone out in the open, someone is bound to come along and pick it up if you don’t. Whether it’s to check the time, move it out of the way, or to sneak through your stuff, people are naturally drawn to unattended phones. Even babies are not immune to the shiny devices and the adorable toddler in this video is proof of exactly that!
It just so happens that the baby girl’s mother had set her cell phone down for just a moment when her daughter decided to make a grab for it and run. The sneaky little thief took the phone and then took off running and not once did she look back! Thankfully the front-facing camera was on and so in the process she managed to record herself committing what could very well be her first criminal offense.
As you can see, she thinks it’s all a fun game and runs away giggling in delight as her poor mom chases behind her. The clip is super short and a little bouncy, but in those few precious seconds the girl managed to capture the sheer joy and innocence of what being young, wild, and free truly means. Even when she trips and falls the baby can’t stop smiling and laughing, nothing is going to rain on her cell phone stealing parade!
While the little thief is most certainly brazen, what she isn’t is fast enough! Her mom easily caught up with her in the end and when she checked her phone she was thrilled to find this little gem of a video on it. Check it out and see for yourself how hilariously cute it turned out to be.
The best part comes near the very end when the baby seems to say “cheese” and smiles broadly at the camera, it’s as if she’s taking a selfie or something. Kids these days, they really do grow up too fast!
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